Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Wife. The Mistress. The Whore.

Had lunch the other day with a good friend of mine. And it's always interesting to chat with him. Yes he's self absorbed, often selfish, and of course unfaithful but his stories I find so amusing!! His stories I usually keep to myself, but this particular story I had to share, because I want to know, is there really such a thing out there as the wife, the mistress and the whore?!?He explains to me the roles of each woman, let me remind you, he's  been "happily" married for 10 years.  I'm guessing with the three women he's dealing with you would be happy too....

Like a typical story she's the "one". Often someone you're dating since High School, College, or just met and felt that connection, the wife is usually the next step to life. You marry, have the house, a couple of kids and from there, life repeats itself. To some, or hopefully most, this repeated lifestyle is satisfying. No need adjust because.. well that's it.


Now she's often called the "other woman", the one who doesn't really care that your married as long as she's some how in the picture. In my friends case, this mistress is someone he met while married and had  he not been married, the mistress would be next in line. This mistress is what he describes as "real". Married life tends to repeats itself, as mentioned before,  and Mistress brings that fire back, that spunk which tends to lack when married (not saying all marriages are like this, but you get the point).
Now here's the funny thing, the mistress CAN NOT be with anyone else but him. He is in control of her. Yes he is married but she needs to satisfy only him. Are you laughing? I am...
Now sexually, she can do what the man asks, usually it something the wife won't, but the Mistress is not necessarily there for the sex but the comfort he lacks at home.


Now this bitch don't care if you have a wife, husband or mistress, as long as you can satisfy her sexually and vise versa. Financially she would probably hunt for money and of course its provided because the wife and mistress are not really asking for much, so who else would you give it too?!?! She might have a man or husband, but who cares, she's just here to do what the wife and mistress won't do. She is what I call, THE UNLIMITED!
In my friend's case, he didn't meet this whore on the street, as a matter of fact she was a friend with benefits, that one night stand that's still standing. 

So there you have it, the break down of the wife, mistress and whore. I am not personally for this, but hey, that's just me.... use a condom :)

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